Thursday, September 10, 2009


Ni last weekend punye citer & punyer gambar <--padahal aku punye gambar..kenapa weekend yang dapat nama????

Malas nk cite lebih2:

kenapa pixel jd lain? (hello..dis is SLR,ocayy..)

Me and my sister (dont ask for the differences)

Infront: Umbrella (but both r my brother)

my mom..wants to pose, as well..

My niece (mesti dye marah coz amek gambar masi tgh chomot)

my parents

The gediks..sebab..sebab.. diorang ni spoiled kids..

my nephew yang tak sangke da same tall with me..

my nephew oso..aka..pemain game tegar
Faiq: ucu ni, paiq tgh men game r..nape x cakap kat kite nak amek gambar..
Ucu: (bdk ni pon nk posing jgk rupe nye) Sory aiq..

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