Monday, April 19, 2010

DIng Dong

Doesnt rang any bell at al... the story is..  last nite me n En. Iz went to a movie.. And it was a really fucking 1st time, tgk movie and x faham satu ape pun.. we his planned is to watch Stiletto at first..urgh!! bkn ape..tkt kne tipu lg, tgk cite yg skjp n x best..seriesly.. (no offence--my opinion,okkk!!

but then this trailer catch our mood.. bkn ape,its just the actor is Leonardo diCaprio, and the story line, and genre cm best kot..

end up..x faham ape pun,,very complicated..bkn actor nye je yg psiko.. aku rase sume org dlm tu (agk ramai) x faham..*motip melebar kan telinge mase turun tangge.. apparently sume orang gave the same comment..


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