Sunday, August 29, 2010

Movie Nite

 terlebih dahulu, sila jgn muntah dengan post ke-2 pada ari yg

Last nite juge, me Love and me went for a movie.. for the first time in bulan puasa.. seboleh-boleh nak elak g cinema in bulan ramadhan, but..ape nk buat bile pujuk rayu berdendang di telinge...ecece...giler tak nak?

we watched The Expandables...

 Super Duper Triple Best Giler... 9 out of 10.. where a point goes missing? coz cite tu genre axtion 18PG.. sgt ganas. but the impact,pergh...gua ckp lu sgt lh incredible.. x bley tahan gune senjata (yg x tau pekename nye) kire mcm mean machine punye lah sangat hebat smpi berkecai org.. and the martial art..huh,mmg x de perasaan btl...terkulai leher, jack! hoolaioo..... tak rugi langsung menonton nya... oh,,mcm baru 1st time in my life dapat menghayati dan mengakui bahawa RM10 utk tgk wayang sangat tak membazir..

The Heroes? jgn cakap ler..sume nye otai.. Sylvester stallone, jet li, arnold susahnakeja (ala, gabenor tu), and counting.. giler ganas muke sume..  But..but.. of course lh kene ade heroin nye.. and well, kalau takde plot pasal <3 cinta <3, mmg x best lah satu-satu cite tu..

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