Tuesday, March 30, 2010

@ my wits end

I really-really am at my wits end.. my brother, who owned a company where i working rite now..was gone to do Umrah.. He left Us with tonnes of work which actually i'm not really felt burden about then.. The thing is, this is all crap..demm..i have no idea how to work on it.. gile pening..seb baik blm sampai tahap gile gaban.. Now i'm a bit stressed..Yup!


It was still in interview-marathon months afterall.. tomorrow will go to Plaza Pelangi,interview at Sushi Kin which i have great expectation to be hired. and the day after will attend interview at Menara Ansar, for post PZM which i not really sure about the position any longer...it will be the 3rd.. OMG! nak mengadap muke PZM negeri tu?? i'm not sure have all the guts to.. even 1hour talking (habes ler bill tepon ku) with Siti (which is PZM already now), but still feel down a bit.. dont know what to do now.. my hardskill is not really strong now as it started to fade away.. ~~~ urrghhh...
Just hoping for the best..


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